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الأربعاء، 16 مايو 2012

Is Just Been Paid a Scam?

Is Just Been Paid a Scam?

Straight to the question, NO

First off, there are many other programs out there that say, invest this much and you earn this much and so on and so forth. And then there comes a time where they just “disappear” with everybody’s’ money, seems very probable.

Now Just Been Paid on the other hand, actually had to temporary shut down due to being victims of their own success. In other words, the programming language they had written the website when the program was created could not handle the now much bigger member base. (there are nearly 23,000 members as of today)

So, they professionally handle the situation, kept all the members up to date on the progress they were making as far as upgrading the site, servers etc and how they were going to fix the problem. Did all the necessary coding so the website could handle all the new and future members.

Long story short, Just Been Paid is now live and active and paying out all the money people have rightfully earned. Mentioned earlier, most programs just disappear with everybody’s money. This really shows the integrity that many other High Yielding Interest Programs (HYIPs) did not display in the past.

If you want to know more about this program please visit Just Been Paid.

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